Monday, September 20, 2010

Is Your Blog Better Than Your Website?

I have spent the past several years investing both time and money in SEO and marketing for the website of our destination wedding planning company, and I always saw our blog as a redheaded stepchild that existed for the sole purpose of driving traffic to our website (where we make money). I suspect many entrepreneurs make the same mistake.

But in the last few months, I've had sort of a slow-burn epiphany, and realized that a company's blog is at least as important as it's website, if not more so. So I've spent the past few weeks updating and upgrading my blogs.

Which do you think is better?

Blog / Website
How do yours stack up?


  1. Jeff, I think your blog is a great complement to your website. Your web site is well organized and full of the kind of info a wedding couple is seeking. The blog does a great job of showing off your work and your happy clients. I'll tell you something though, the video of Lauren and Neil's wedding at the Don Cesar is what really captured my attention. And how about a video introduction by you and Claire?

    My website, gets way more traffic than my blog, but the blog is helping me develop a regular following and build relationships. And, I've found having a Facebook page to be hugely beneficial--much more so than Twitter.

  2. Hi David,

    Thanks for the kind words! Funny enough, we have been planning an intro video - kind of a "behind the scenes with Simple Weddings".

    We have a such a great group of people, and we have a lot of fun. That makes all the difference and we want to show off that side of the business. We got the idea from Jasmine Star (I think this video ROCKS!) and are already working with a videographer - the same one who shot the Don Cesar video in fact!

    I too am lukewarm on Twitter (despite having over 1,500 followers, I get almost zero traffic ad the amount of spam is overwhelming). I'm still working on Facebook!

