Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How to Install Google Analytics

Google Analytics is widely regarded as the industry standard for tracking website traffic. This powerful free tool will tell you things like:
  • How many people visited your website in a given time period
  • Where these visitors came from (i.e. search engines or other websites)
  • Which keywords these visitors searched for when they found your website (if they found it via a search engine)
  • Where these visitors were located, geographically speaking (as in country, state, city)
  • What web browser your visitors were using when they viewed your site
  • How long they spent on your website
  • Which pages of your site they visited and for how long
  • Which pages they entered and exited your site from
  • How many visitors completed a "conversion" (as in did something like buy your product or fill out a form or visit a contact page - this is defined by you)
Given that Google Analytics does all this and more, and for free. I find it surprising that only 26% of the websites out there actually use Google Analytics. I figure at least some of the other 74% are small business owners who maintain their own websites and never knew they needed Google Analytics or were intimidated by the process of setting up a Google Analytics account and installing the Google Analaytics tracking script on their website.

Installing Google Analytics is actually a fairly simple process, and I dug up a couple of easy to use resources with step by step instructions:

Stay tuned or subscribe to my blog for my next post in this series , where I'll talk more about how to actually use Google Analytics!

If you need help figuring out how or where to install your tracking code, feel free to leave a comment below.


  1. Thank you for doing this. I know about them, and know I need to do this, and have done it for some clients, but not for my own site. How dumb is that! Really glad I found your site today!

  2. Hi Heather,

    It's not dumb at all. We get so busy with work and life and taking care of our clients that sometimes we forget to take care of our own little details. You have to strike a balance.

    That being said, installing Google Analytics is one of those things that is relatively easy to set up and pays huge dividends in the long run!

    Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe and drop me a line if I can be of further assistance.

