Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Power of the Dare

I dare you to click on this link:

Link to mysterious undisclosed web page which you now can't resist clicking on because I dared you to.

I double-dog dare you with a cherry on top. Go on, do it. What are you waiting for? I dare you.

For those of you who clicked the link and checked out Naomi's blog (and don't think you can just lie about it, I have analytics and heatmap tracking!), welcome back. As you noticed, her post was about the power of what she calls brand conscious words. I found it interesting, and I thought you might too.

(I also know that Naomi watches her analytics data like Rain Man watches Wapner, so I'm hoping when she sees a few click-throughs, she'll check out my blog and maybe give me a link or a mention or a tweet or a thank you card, any of which would be a big deal to my infantile blog!)

But I digress...back to the matter at hand:

  1. Did you click on the link? If so, why? If not, why not? (leave your answer in a comment)
  2. What could you dare/challenge/battle/duel your customers, or better yet your employees, to do that might help your small business grow?


  1. I couldn't resist clicking on the link. The dare worked! But I have to admit I read the rest of the post first. James

  2. Thanks James,

    I'm interested to see if there is a disparity between men and women when it comes to the effect of a dare. Does the whole "boys are stupid" thing come into play here?

  3. I clicked on the link and it was going to my own damn blog!

    Nicely done. :D

  4. Well what a nice surprise that must have been! (Thanks for stopping by Naomi - Have a great weekend. Jeff)
