Thursday, November 4, 2010

How to Turn Facial Injuries Into Pure Advertising Gold

"A bouncer in Birmingham hit me in the face with a crescent wrench five times. And my wife's boyfriend broke my jaw with a fencepost. So if you don't buy a trailer from me, it ain't gonna hurt my feelings".

Anyone who can work that phrase into a television commercial is a marketing genius. So without further adieu, enjoy this little slice of YouTube heaven:

As soon as I stopped laughing and regained my composure after watching this commercial, my first instinct was to share it with my readers. But, other than the fact it's hilarious, I initially struggled to find the relevance to small business owners.

That is, until I dug a little deeper and realized that the creative geniuses behind this commercial are Rhett and Link (if you look closely, you'll see them making a cameo appearance above). The video was made for I Love Local Commercials, an advertising project aimed specifically at local small businesses. They explain it far better than I can:

The best part? The Cullman Liquidation commerical is just the tip of the iceberg! For even more funny, irreverant, and clever videos, check out the other commercials produced for the I Love Local Commercials project.

Look under "Our Commercials" and scroll down to watch them all. You won't be disappointed, and you can even call it "marketing research"!

To nominate a local business for the I Love Local Commercials project, click here.

Or don't. I don't care.

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